It has been quite a while since I wrote in my blog and even longer since I posted some of the things I have been working on. I am continually working on my crafts. I have made some novelty Kool-aid and foil juice pouch children's purses. I am working on sewing for myself in trying to update my wardrobe a bit. Our garden produce was not good this fall so my canning has been very light. I continue to bake making cookies. breads, cakes and pies. Getting ready for Halloween for the grand kids.
We finally fired up the wood stove last week just to take the chill off. I love the fall with the colors of the leaves and cooler temps, but I don't look forward to the winter with the freezing weather,snow drifts and cabin fever. I stockpile things to work on to make the winter blahs go faster.
I just finished reading the book "The Help" It is a quick read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend it to you. I haven't seen the movie but I look forward to watching it when it comes out in video or on TV. I don't go to the theater any more, it requires more time and money and with the tight financial situation it isn't enjoyable to me.